Fluoride in water conspiracy

Fluoride in water conspiracy

Who can forget the scene from Kubrick s classic movie Dr. Strangelove of screws- loose General Jack D. WATER FLUORIDATION : THE EVIL CONSPIRACY Go into any large hardware store, Look for RAT POISON, look at ingredients - there is only one ingredient- Sodium Fluoride, the most toxic, ionic molecule. Among the most popular conspiracy theories espoused by. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the.

Big Government conspiracy theories become reality: Fluoride.

Fluoridation of Water: Communist Conspiracy, Genuine Threat or

wild consumer conspiracy theories, debunked - m

US Lowers Fluoride Recommendations In Water - Were Conspiracy. Fluoride is found in water supplies around the country, but the federal government is now lowering the recommendations for added levels of the. Why Fluoridation Is Important Mar 3 2013. Fluoride in the Water: For Your Teeth or Government Mind Control.

The most outrageous theory on water fluoridation is that it s being.

How Dangerous Is Fluoride In Water?

Water fluoridation is a widespread practice in the western world - or, indee in most countries with an. Fluoridation out of fear that it was part of a government conspiracy to. Fluoridation is generally known as the addition of fluoride to the municipal water supply. wild consumer conspiracy theories, debunked - m Jul 3 2014.

The Use Of Flouridation For Mass Mind Control In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.

Anti-fluoride activists should put their tinfoil hat theories to rest

Unscientific fear-mongering and conspiracy theories are the norm. Water fluoridation - Rational General Jack D. Fluoridation and Intelligence: Prospective Study in New. The study was the 24th one on the same subject, and the were SO. She is promoting the conspiracy theory that fluoride is purposely added to public water supplies to ensure a docile population. Truth about fluoride doesnapost include Nazi myth PolitiFact Florida Oct 2011.

Fluoridation - The Skepticaposs Dictionary Dec 1 2015. The history of forcing fluoride on humans through the fluoridation of drinking water is wrought with lies, greed and deception.


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